Welcome to the NHR group!

Our vision is to integrate material engineering with healthcare, fostering innovations that enhance human health from the nano to the macro scale. By leveraging multidisciplinary approaches—spanning atomic interactions, biotic-abiotic interfaces, and machine-human connections—we focus on developing precise sensors and medical devices that address both physical and mental well-being. Rooted in sustainability and DEI principles, our work seeks to minimize resource depletion while exploring the cultural and ethical dimensions of healthcare advancements. We are hiring! Please send your CV via email to limhyoryoung@pknu.ac.kr.

Welcome to the NHR group!

Our vision is to integrate material engineering with healthcare, fostering innovations that enhance human health from the nano to the macro scale. By leveraging multidisciplinary approaches—spanning atomic interactions, biotic-abiotic interfaces, and machine-human connections—we focus on developing precise sensors and medical devices that address both physical and mental well-being. Rooted in sustainability and DEI principles, our work seeks to minimize resource depletion while exploring the cultural and ethical dimensions of healthcare advancements. We are hiring! Please send your CV via email to limhyoryoung@pknu.ac.kr.