Due to the advantages of portability and potential continuous capability, various types of flexible ion detection devices have been developed and found applications to detect targets, including sweat, saliva, tear, and urine. However, it is still challenging to maintain the high accuracy and sensitivity of analyte detection when the rigid sensors are integrated with flexible materials. When the device is mounted on the human skin, the applied strain is directly distributed to the SS-ISE, which changes the sensor’s resistance with extra stresses on the interconnections.
We developed a portable wireless electronic device including a sodium sensor that was made of an Au/CNT/Au ISE and an Ag/AgCl/PVB-KCl/Nafion RE. The nanocomposite sensor includes electrochemically deposited Au nanoparticles on a CNT transducer to improve the conductivity, capacitance, and interfacial contact between materials. A set of experimental electrochemical analyses confirms the high stability of the SS-ISE based on Au/CNT/Au nanocomposites. By using the soft-material packaging technology, the entire device was encapsulated by an elastomeric membrane except for the solution contact opening on the sensors... (LINK)
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